4/2 2014
ffffound r rgb y
4/2 2014
ffffound b

Color Thief

Color Thief:

Skript som hittar dominanta färger, med the modified median cut quantization algorithm.

4/2 2014
noterat tumblr

Adam Magyar – Stainless, 42 Street (excerpt)

3/2 2014

Adam Magyar – Stainless, 42 Street (excerpt)

3/2 2014
vimeo ☯︎ ☺︎

(\d .)(\d{2})(\d*)

- I’m Wasting Time / Truncating Numbers with Regex | Michael Righi.com
2/2 2014
noterat tumblr
13/1 2014
ffffound ✉︎ ✍︎
13/1 2014
ffffound ✉︎ ✍︎

Birger Schlaug! http://t.co/PQKtucDfhT

13/1 2014

Mediekonsumtion i den moderna familjen.

4/1 2014
instagram ☺︎ ⚗︎

A is for Atom 1953

27/12 2013
youtube k y
27/12 2013
instagram b c ☘︎

Inga filter biter på det här.

27/12 2013
instagram b c ☘︎

Som sagt.

22/12 2013
instagram ☺︎ m

16000 visar lite kärlek.

22/12 2013
instagram ☺︎

Holy Fuck – Silva & Grimes

22/12 2013

Tried to figure this one out by myself, with moderate success: http://t.co/VuaBXkRGAH

20/12 2013

Dagens fullständiga överraskning: http://t.co/fRLlQuzERR

20/12 2013

The History and Future of Everything — Time

19/12 2013
youtube abc rgb


18/12 2013
instagram ⚗︎
18/12 2013
ffffound rgb
18/12 2013
ffffound rgb
18/12 2013
ffffound rgb

Snygg förhandlingstaktik. http://t.co/20NNP3Sb7S

17/12 2013

Berndt Bil och Tage Troll.

15/12 2013
instagram abc b rgb ⚗︎