A simple system for creating tight typography with scss. It removes the inconvenience of having an unpredictable box around all html text, and lets you set precise distances between boxes based on x-height (or cap-height, if you prefer it that way) and baseline. Use this tool to adjust your preferred font, and use this mixin to create your typography.23/6 2021 gjort☯︎abckmixinscsssvelte
Randomise colour - Lyxigt figmaplugin för den stilmedvetne, stavat med the Queen's English! Pluginet skruvar på nyans, mättnad, intensitet och opacitet med normaldistribution utifrån befintlig färg. Mycket nöje!4/5 2021 gjort▦mrrgb28/4 2021 ffffound◼︎☼abcky